
monthly goal meetup

ok. so jena at modish and modish biz tips has this great idea called the monthly goal meetup. it's basically a way to make your monthly business goals public, so that you are held a little more accountable. i have really been enjoying jena's posts on her new biz tips blog, and i think this is a fantastic way to help me get going with my new endeavor. so here goes!

monthly goals :: april '09 :: smidgebox designs

1. design and print my product tags
2. create the rest of my desired start-up inventory for etsy shop
3. re-design and print new business cards [mine are outdated, need new address and url]
4. make up a press kit for online advertising/announcements. design and print shop announcement postcards [this one may run over into next month. it's a more involved goal!]
5. get an hour alone at the post office to research and figure out shipping options + rates
6. open etsy shop by may 1

i hope i can accomplish all of these by the end of the month. it'll be a tight timeline as the next two weekends will not yield any time for me to work. but if i'm disciplined enough during the week [ahem. less non-biz-related time online], i think i can make this work. i really want my shop up and running for may. wish me luck!


Marie Wyatt said...

hey lesley! i'm so excited for the opening of your etsy shop. i'd love to talk to you about your ideas for press kits...i've been thinking of putting together one for frost.

modish said...

yeah, you're going to get your shop up for May, you are! You can do it! Good luck with everything and we'll check back in with you in a few weeks! :)