
a calendar beauty

i'm quite sure that title doesn't really make sense. but that's what came to mind when i saw this post over on a GreatFull day. i absolutely love the illustrative downtown wall calendar by jen oaks. feminine + colourful + simply gorgeous. with ample space to write stuff on each day, which i love. while i like the simplicity of seeing just the numbered days, it doesn't always help me with my organization, as i can't jot down a birthday or an important date. this fits the bill, and looks so beautiful at the same time!

images via jen oaks

i always have the hardest time choosing a calendar. in lindsey's post, she mentions that some of her friends are doing a whole calendar wall! i may have to consider that option, there are so many lovelies out there.

one of the leisurely things i want to do during the holidays is catch up on reading my favourite blogs. and when i say catch up, i really mean it. there are a couple months' worth of archives i'm going to wade through on each and every one. i can't wait!
do you have any indulgent holiday plans? i'd love to hear...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Perhaps not a plan but over the holidays there were 3 days when I didn't leave the house at all! So nice to have time to do nothing!