
blog it forward :: inspiration

blog it forward. the seed was planted during a twitter conversation between victoria of sfgirbybay and ez of creature comforts, discussing how to create a community driven, feel-good event, something that would bring bloggers together to share the basis of why most people blog, anyways. inspiration. and so the blog it forward mashup was born.

what inspires me the most? i could go on all day long about my love + obsession for mid century modern design, furniture new and old, clean modern architecture, blueprints, paper, letterpress, photography, fashion, fabric, colours, magazines. i love it all, live it and breathe it. this is why i share my thoughts in this space. day after day i fill these pages with the things that i love. it's why i feel a connection to other who have the same interests and similar aesthetics.

so today, instead of all those things, i thought i would share the basis of my being. the pieces of my life that inspire me to create, design, make. it's pretty basic, really. something that we all have, but that for each one of us, it is unique. the people + the places. my family, my home, my favourite spots. childhood to adulthood. memories.

hands down the best trip ever :: iceland, 2001, with d.

beautiful bc, my favourite spots.
watch lake, 70 mile house :: the alders, merville
thormanby island :: savary island

my all-time favourite place, forever + always :: tofino, bc

my parents. thanks, mom + dad.

my siblings. [i'm the wee one]

my family.
o, february 2005 :: d, june 2008
derek, my partner in life since 1999

these kids. watching them grow, learn, love. as different as two people could be.
i love them more than i had ever thought possible. they are my very best inspiration.

i don't often post such personal images and topics on my blog. i have been hemming and hawing of late, wondering whether i'd like to share a bit more of myself in this space. it really came to me as i wrote this post. this is me, my life. i am not sure that i can separate my business, the things i love, and the people + places that i love, who inspire me. so there may be a little more 'me' showing up here in the future. not a lot, just enough.

in the spirit of the mashup, please be sure to visit sloe gin fizz, who posted her lovely inspirations yesterday. and on monday, i am blogging it forward to snippet and ink. head on over to have a look at what inspires her.

if this is your first time here, then welcome! i hope you will stay awhile, look around, and say hello. i am so happy to meet you.