
this little blog

why do i blog? i've been thinking about this a lot this past couple of weeks. there are many reasons. what started simply as a place for me to catalogue my finds, and talk a bit about my work in between, has become a real hobby + a true love for me. it's like my nightly therapy as i sit here and toodle around the web, thinking about what i'd like to post, narrowing my choices, finding just the right products, designers, artists, places to feature, just the right pictures to show. i really love it. and after just a little over a year, i can't even imagine not writing here nearly every day.
fete print :: cosas minimas by blanca gomez [i love all of her work!]

a few weeks ago, i was delighted to find myself included on a shortlist of blogs written by moms living in greater vancouver. i hope people don't see me as an impostor on that list! i am not a mommy blogger. i don't write about parenting! this is my place be away from that. while i do mention the kids here + there, i need this place to just be me, a woman, undefined by my identity as a mom. you know when you're at the park, and the other moms know you as "o's mom"? isn't that amazing, how you go from being your own self, to your childrens' mama? please understand, i am not complaining!! i love it. i just find it fascinating. and i do it myself! i can't even tell you how many times i remember the child's name before the parents'.
i wonder if that is a factor of getting older, or perhaps it's that dreaded 'mommy brain' we all talk about while pregnant!

printed ceramic bowls :: horn of plenty :: available at room6

i am not saying that i don't enjoy reading about other people's parenting or mothering. i do, often! heather of dooce, whose no-holds-barred discussions on parenting makes me laugh day after day. gabrielle of design mom [who is expecting baby number 6 - amazing!], who eloquently posts about where design + motherhood intersect. amanda of soulemama, whose graceful + honest + gentle approach to parenting makes me strive to be a better mama. there are so many others out there, so much inspiration, so many amazing mothers.

vancouver mom is looking for what they call the 'ultimate' vancouver mom blogger. i am beyond honoured to be included in their shortlist, and even more thrilled that people have gone out of their way to visit me here, really read my blog, and decide whether or not they'd like to vote for me. are you visiting here for the first time? i'd love it if you'd say hello. and if you like what you see here, i'd love for you to come back, or tell a friend!

if you're feeling so inclined, i'd be so very happy if you'd cast a vote for me. today is the last day the polls are open, and the results will be announced on mother's day. how apt! thank you for all the support, i really appreciate it.

the photos i've included in this post are things that i've got on my current wishlist. perfect for mother's day, don't you think? perhaps my husband is reading...