
hunt + gather

i just wanted to share a smattering of the easter buckets i've made so far this spring. tomorrow [april 1 -- no fooling!] is the last day to place your order to receive yours in time for easter, so if you've been thinking about it, the time is now!

this is the second year i've offered choose your own easter buckets, and i must say, it is really fun to see what my customers choose for the fabrics! i've had the chance to sew in some combos that i wouldn't have thought of, but that i really like the results.
there were definitely some popular picks -- the wide blue + white stripe with the blue zoo fabric lining was the clear fave for boys, and the pink + orange fireworks sold out super fast over on the girls' side.
the two zigzag buckets shown on the bottom left were specially requested to be mini-buckets. i think that's a fun option, maybe i'll offer that next year, it's a nice size for the really wee kiddos.

anyhow, i've still got a few more lined up to sew over the weekend, and then they'll be gone for another year. up next for me, getting prepped for got craft -- it's creeping up soon!


big bling

shimmering beauties! love these big + bold handcrafted rings by clementine on etsy. crystal druzy, labradorite, and geode slice, all fit for a night out on the town. gorgeous, no? love her photography, too, so well done.

all images via clementine


like mother, like daughter

my little gal got her hair cut on friday. the awesome french gentleman who cut her hair gave her a bit of a different style than her usual angled bob, but this suits her personality so well. pixie-like and a little crazy, just like her.
when i snapped a few pics of her that afternoon, i literally gasped when the image {above, left} came up on my computer screen. 'i've seen that picture before', i thought. i went to our other computer to pull up all the old family photos i've got scanned, and immediately found this picture of myself {above, right} from when i was just 2-1/2. it's one of my favourite pics of myself as a wee thing, i've always loved it.
i guess that's why i was so shocked by the picture of my little 2-1/2 year old d. because, beyond the blonde hair and green eyes, that was me staring back from the screen. right down to the crooked smile.


pretty paper rainbows

i saw these zigzag streamers {above} on ohdeedoh today. aren't they adorable? they're made by jordan from oh happy day, who is pretty much a genius with paper. i also love the other streamers she made earlier this year {bottom}. lastly, her hack of those not-so-great cheap confetti poppers which she turned into invitations {middle}. they're so clever, and way cuter.

i foresee a very pretty rainbow paper birthday coming our way in june!

all images are by paul ferney for oh happy day.
oh happy day.


natural selection

what if you let your wardrobe choices be guided by nature? i've paired some of my recent spring photos with a few fun clothes + accessories.


and she was dressed in shades of grey.

images via shops as listed below, clockwise from top right.

girls' valencia dress :: crewcuts by j.crew
violette dress :: by le petit lucas du tertre, available at smallable
gingham dress :: zara girl

make sure you check out minimoo's entire shop, adorable dresses + impeccably styled 'storefront'!


a mantra for an ethical life.

i've been doing a lot of quiet thinking about the happenings in japan over the past several days. to be honest, i've found it almost too difficult to watch. i'm not sure i'm able to comprehend the extent of the disaster, to imagine the people, their feelings, their losses. the images of the peoples' faces are what get me the most, seeing the heartache + fear there in their eyes. it's a bit much for me, as i'm sure it is for everyone. it feels too close, too awful, too real.

when i read this post on oh my! handmade goodness yesterday, i was struck by the poster she designed. ethics. they are, after all, the root of our lives, our personal mandate for our time on this planet. someone commented on the post about working towards an ethical life, even when it's inconvenient. i think that is so important. you can talk about your ethics all you want, but when it comes time to act, to help, to do good, where will you stand? will you stand behind your mantra? have you ever taken the time to write down your values, your beliefs? i really think it helps.

i know i'll be pondering these thoughts for a long time. what do we want to pass along to our kids, what are the things we'd like them to take away with them when they leave home. it's about being mindful of your actions, your words. taking care of our fellow human beings. it shouldn't take a disaster to make us think of these things, but now is as good a time as any to start, isn't it?

i'd recommend popping over to omhg to read jessika's post for yourself. it's a lovely read. the last line of jessika's poster really strikes a chord. working together to make life better. for everyone, that is to say. for the whole planet.

if you'd like to help with disaster relief in japan, christchurch, and otherwise, please visit these links for ideas on what you can do. this is by no means an exhaustive list, and there are a multitude of shops donating partial proceeds, and auctions set up to help. feel free to leave a link in the comments if you have something to add to this list.

poppytalk has a great post with links to artists donating partial or full proceeds to japan.
and of course, canadian red cross is just a text away. text ASIA to 30333 to donate $5.


affordable art :: leah duncan

images via leah duncan on etsy.

i'm totally smitten with leah duncan's beautiful prints. i love the subtle colours, patterned geometrics, and simple yet striking compositions. how am i to choose which one to get for my workspace? her tea towels would also be pretty perfect for my new kitchen. decisions, decisions.


smidgebox designs facebook page

well, i've gone and done it. i finally made a facebook fanpage for smidgebox designs. there are a whole bunch of reasons that i resisted this for so long, but in the end, i have come to realize that it is going to be a great way to reach a lot of people. i know that many prefer facebook to other venues [blogs, twitter], and that i should really have a little representation there.

i'd love it if you'd come on over and visit me there. i'll be updating with new shop additions, events, goings-on from behind the scenes, works in progress, and probably even the odd exclusive promotion! you can 'like' the smidgebox facebook page by following the link. [and thanks for that! it'd be much appreciated.]

i followed a tutorial from my friend linda of a la mode stuff to help create my landing page. what do you think? linda is an expert at making her facebook page look pretty, you can catch a glimpse here. thanks, linda!!


lace for spring

very pretty vintage-inspired spring collection by vancouver fashion house dru's design. i love the tweed dress on the bottom right, very chic. visit dru's design to find out where to buy.

images via dru's design.



birthday candles image via LaBrancaro on flickr

psst. today's my birthday! so i'm having a little sale in the shop, my gift to you as i celebrate with cake + candles...head on over to the shop, use coupon code march10 today only to save 10% on everything in stock {even custom orders}. have a great day!


bc home + garden show :: part 2

another great exhibit at the bc home + garden show was a collaborative effort between langley-based cedarshed industries and several businesses from around town. with laneway housing and high-density living becoming a growing trend in vancouver, the folks at cedarshed thought to market their gorgeous sheds as additional indoor spaces -- think backyard offices + guest rooms + playrooms. the possibilities are endless.

i particularly liked the chic shed, above, designed by local shop villa beau interiors. classically beautiful, french-vintage style with a touch of glam. what a fabulous retreat for the backyard! forget the ubiquitous 'man-shed', how about a perfectly pretty space for the ladies to unwind after a day at the office or running around with the kids? love it.

my other fave was the backyard office, designed by nood. sleek + simple, with a modern lean that is nood's signature style [they make reproductions of high-profile furniture designs]. with many people choosing to work from home, or take the entrepreneurial route, this seems like a great way to acquire the space + privacy needed for a home office, when interior square-footage is limited.

the best part of these sheds, in my opinion? the incredible aroma of freshly sawn western red cedar. west coast perfection.


bc home + garden show :: part 1

heading over to the bc home + garden show this past weekend, the exhibit i was most looking forward to was the karocabin. touted as the best in new innovation of prefab housing, karoleena homes are modular, fully customizable, eco-friendly, and completely gorgeous. using efficient building practices and environmentally conscious materials, karoleena is breaking ground with their green initiatives. i especially love the options to add solar panels or geothermal heating, as well as many other green choices above + beyond the already efficient building model.

i have always had a thing for prefab homes. typically sleek + modern, compact, and pared down to essentials, they just seem to me like the ideal way to get your dream vacation home. karoleena takes it one step further.
i was totally blown away by how spacious this tiny home seemed. it all came down to great interior design with a smartly planned layout. the interior-exterior fireplace adds coziness to the living room, and makes the deck feel more like an outside room.

the home is flooded with light from large windows + sliding doors, and transom windows right up to the ceiling. one whole half of the back wall is lined with floor-to-ceiling cabinets to maximize storage. the frosted glass sliding doors are a smart choice, from both a practical and style-savvy point of view. they take up very little space, allow light to flow through the entire home, and they look great, adding an industrial edge to the design.

i'm really looking forward to seeing what else is in store from this innovative calgary-based company. i love seeing the little guy succeed in a big marketplace, and this small team is well on their way to making a huge impact on the prefab home market. that they are a team of canadians makes it even sweeter for me.

check out the karoleena website for more information.

pics were taken by me. please excuse the poor lighting + composition, it was extremely busy and hard to get a good shot!


airey indeed.

pardon the tongue-in-cheek title to my post, but this vancouver residence by local firm airey homes is like a breath of fresh air. with the open space flooded by light from the many tall windows, this contemporary home is a pleasing juxtaposition of cold + warmth. the polished concrete floor and unfinished concrete walls are brightened by warm natural wood + a crisp white kitchen. there is a definite long, linear feel to the furnishings and fixtures. the low profile sofa and extra-long dining table add to the feeling of space. nothing is crowded, nothing is cluttered.

of course i had to share the stairs. you all know how much i love a great set of stairs, and these concrete steps does not disappoint. the open risers add to the airiness of the space by allowing the eye to be drawn up to the second level.
speaking of, i'd love to have seen some pics of the bedrooms in this house, i can only imagine they would be just as stunning. you can find the rest of the photos on the airey group website under projects, private residences, drummond drive.

all images via the airey group

:: edit, march 3 2011 ::

with big thanks to gaile guevara, i can provide a little more info about this amazing home! gaile worked on the interiors of drummond drive, alongside interior designer donna toppings. together, these talented ladies created an inspiring + gorgeous interior, including those smashing cantilevered concrete stairs. great work, ladies.
ps - you can see more pictures of this home on gaile's site, right here. thanks, gaile!